Tuesday, November 28, 2017

New Postage Rates for 2018 – Some Go Up and Some Go Down

On Sunday, January 21st, 2018 the United States Post Office (USPS) will be adjusting rates for both Market Dominated Products and Competitive Products. Market Dominated products are the products that the USPS does not have any competitors providing the same services such as First Class Mail, Periodicals, and Marketing Mail (Presort Standard Mail). Competitive products are services that the USPS has outside competitors vying for the same customers such as delivering packages (Parcel Services).

The overall average increase along all products lines is 2%.
Let’s start with Market Dominated price changes as those are the prices that effect most companies. The price of a first class stamp (forever stamp) is going to increase from 49 cents each to 50 cents each, so get out and purchase your forever stamps before January 21st. Single piece metered rates are also going up 1 cent to 47 cents. The cost for each additional ounce over 1 is staying the same at 21 cents per ounce. One ounce single piece flat size mail pieces are going up 2 cents to $1.00 each and single piece postcards are also going up from 34 cents to 35 cents each.
Automated First Class postage is increasing slightly for most categories except for Mixed ADC Automated Flats which is receiving a decrease of 6% and 3-digit Automated Flats which is decreasing 5.9%. 5-Digit Automated Flats are going up by 6.3% to 47.4 cents each.
Marketing Mail (Presort Standard) is seeing that Marketing Mail letters are increasing in most categories with High Density DSCF rates heading up 2.38% and some nonprofit letter rates increasing by as much as 5%.
Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) Retail rates are increasing by 56% to .178 cents per piece.
USPS Competitive products include package services and priority mail packages. Priority Mail, Priority Mail Express and Parcel Services are seeing some of the largest increases with First Class Mail Retail Parcels going up 14.5%.
For additional information on the January 2018 price changes view the USPS PowerPoint presentation.


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